Monday, February 6, 2012

Three Cheers For Compassion...


          Another week behind us and three classic stories burned into our memories forever, which is a good thing. I was just reading our class's blogs and trying to connect the dots, between the three stories that is. What could two grotesgue Civil War stories and an erotic love triangle all have in common?

Both of my fellow bloggers agree in one way, shape, or form... Take A Look...

Kailie thought The Storm was :
                 "(A) super sexy story and by far my favorite thing I read this semester."

And Dennis had this to say about Chickamauga and A Private History...

"The first thing that stood out to me that was very similar in the story was that the stories started out with the same innocence of the main character (s) in the story. "

Compassion - Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. (Source- Macbook Dictionary)

In The Storm, it was easy to feel compassion for all characters because we are human and try to see all angles of a complex situation (hopefully). After our class discussion I felt I had a better understanding of the story, and could feel myself identifyng with Calixta. 

And with both Civil War stories, I felt as if I was fighting on the North and South, and no matter how you look at it, it's a double-sided knife. 

This is Literature.

No, not this blog.

These Stories, 

they take few minutes to read, 

but change the way we think, 

maybe forever.


  1. I'm going to steal this for future syllabi, if you don't mind, with proper credit of course:

    These Stories,
    they take few minutes to read,
    but change the way we think,
    maybe forever.

  2. Of course you may..I meant every word. And maybe you can fix my typo. :)
