Before last Friday, I would say that I completely agreed with Kailie's blog about how pretentious Whitman comes off. I had the hardest time getting into "Song of Myself" all three times I've tried to read it. Last Wednesday, I actually gave myself a headache trying to understand a single section. I told my boyfriend that I felt like a "failure"because I just couldn't "get into Whitman" and I must not be smart enough.
And I love how Dennis just sums Whitman up like this:
"Take the ideas and thoughts of everything around you, and form your own opinions and live by those. "

While this is a good observation, it is so much deeper, I think?
Whitman kind of reminds me of Bob Dylan in a way, let me explain.
In that, every line could be its own poem, or song.
Every line is filled with images and passion and genuine expression.
So after class on Friday, I decided that Yes, Whitman is the pretentious guy at the hipster party that is the center of attention, but I'm right there eating out of his hand.
Sections 6, 24, and 51 of "Song" are the three sections that really changed my mind. It's these sections that lead me to believe that Whitman isn't pretentious, he's a real romantic.
On another note, I don't think anyone should ever feel like they have to understand someone in order to prove they are smart. It's ok to like what you like, and you shouldn't have to feel bad. It's even ok to contradict yourself. I don't think Walt would want people to be force fed his poems to feel good about themselves, or maybe he would? He had kind eyes and I have a hard time believing he was a jerk.
Cheers Walt!
Great job here!